Ministry Details
“FIRST WATCH” is the collection of men’s ministries geared toward training, mentoring, and encouraging men of Grace Bible Church to be the men of God the Lord has called them to be. This is done through a series of scheduled men’s discipleship breakfasts, small one-on-one mentorship opportunities, and men’s conferences and retreats. First Watch is a ministry for men’s mutual accountability and fellowship with one another grounded in the preached Word of God.
Training up men to “Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, and be strong” (1 Corinthians 16:13) is the main focus and purpose of the First Watch Men’s Ministry.
Bible Training Institute
We encourage every man at Grace Bible Church to take God's Word seriously, and to that end we want all to take our Bible Training Institute. This 2-year program focuses on learning a variety of important concepts in Biblical theology, Bible survey, and Applied theology.
Mentoring & Discipleship
We have started a new Mentoring and Discipleship program under the direction of our leadership and welcome all men to attend, either as mentors or mentorees. Contact the church for more information on how to get involved.
Monthly Breakfast
Our First Watch men's breakfast meets on the first Saturday of the month unless otherwise noted (for speaker or event scheduling). We encourage fathers to bring sons and hear God's Word together - our men sing biblical truths, listen to the preaching of biblical truths, and spend time discussing biblical truths. These events are quickly becoming a favorite for our men at Grace Bible Church! See the Event Calendar for the next occurrence.
Men's Conference & Retreat
Each year we plan a weekend conference to spiritually nourish our souls in God's Word and fellowship with one another. Every other year we try to get away and dig deeper into God's Word and enjoy fellowship with others through a retreat off-campus. Watch the church calendar for these events.
Upcoming Ministry Events
Resources and Links
Men's Discipleship Introduction
Ministry Contact
For more information regarding this ministry, please contact Brandon Brummett (